I have a female friend who is too embarrassed to ask herself, so on her behalf I'll paraphrase her question:
"I hit my highest weight and wanted to bring it down a little. I started keto this summer. I've been finding my crotch having more burning sensations. I talked to my doctor and it's not a yeast infection. I did some research and I'm wondering if it's rubbing from being heavier and more sweat down there, or if the keto diet is changing my vaginal PH balance. Or both? Using Penaten to help, but this is awful. Does anyone else experience this?"
Any experience you might have had would be appreciated.
"I hit my highest weight and wanted to bring it down a little. I started keto this summer. I've been finding my crotch having more burning sensations. I talked to my doctor and it's not a yeast infection. I did some research and I'm wondering if it's rubbing from being heavier and more sweat down there, or if the keto diet is changing my vaginal PH balance. Or both? Using Penaten to help, but this is awful. Does anyone else experience this?"
Any experience you might have had would be appreciated.
6 months